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Where is Amazon Natural Spring Water from?

The water is bottled at source from a protected natural spring located in a privately owned nature reserve near the town of Curitiba in Brazil.

What is Curitiba famous for?

Curitiba has become the established ecological capital of Brazil making it the perfect match for the values of Amazon Natural Spring Waters.

What makes your water so special?

Amazon Natural Spring Water is just that – natural. Absolutely nothing is added. The water has been filtered through limestone for hundreds of years which gives it the most unique light and refreshing taste.

I can drink tap water, what is the difference?

Tap water is heavily chemically treated so it is safe to drink. Natural spring water is just that. Natural, with nothing added. Many people prefer the taste and health benefits as opposed to drinking tap water.

You say it’s ‘light and refreshing’ but who else does?

We have carried out extensive market research to include blind tasting against other well-known brands of water and the general public have provided us with this feedback.

Are the bottles made from recycled plastic?

Our bottles are made from 100 rPET (recycled plastic) and are fully recyclable too.

Is Amazon Natural Spring Water safe to drink?

We are proud to say the light and refreshing smooth taste of Amazon Natural Spring water comes from the natural occurring minerals of calcium and magnesium which form part of your daily needs. It contains no chemical contaminants or toxic metallic elements

Why do you feature wildlife on the label?

Our vibrant attractive bottle label represents the wonderful country of origin for our water. However, it is also important to appreciate the wide biodiversity and fragile ecosystems which exist in this truly amazing country. Every species needs another to construct a thriving ecosystem.

What is Amazon Spring Water doing about sustainability?

We are committed to giving back to Brazil. For every litre of water sold we are donating directly to the replanting of sibling trees in the threatened Amazon Rainforest. The process of growing a mature tree may take years, but it all begins by planting a single seed.

How can I see the replanting of trees in the Amazon?

The best way to see all the news from Amazon Natural Spring Water is to follow us on social media where we will keep everyone up to date with all the great things we are doing.

How can I sell Amazon Natural Spring Water in my venue?

We would be honoured for you to sell our beautiful water. Please contact us (link) and we will be in touch very soon.